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davide crippa

Davide Crippa is a postdoctoral researcher with a focus on sociology and history of mathematics. In 2014 he received a PhD at the University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7) for his dissertation "Impossibility Results from Geometry to Analysis". He wrote several articles and a book: "The Impossibility of Squaring the Circle in the 17th Century", Birkhauser (2019). He is currently the principal investigator of the project GJ19-03125Y "Mathematics in the Czech Lands: from Jesuit Teaching to Bernard Bolzano" (2019-2021) funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GA ÄŒR).


Long CV here.



ELÍAS fuentés-Guillen

Elías Fuentes Guillén specialises in philosophy and history of mathematics, with emphasis on 18th and 19th-century Germanic authors. In 2017 he obtained a PhD in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Salamanca, under the supervision of José Ferreirós and María Manzano, and in 2018 he was awarded the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship by the AV ÄŒR for a project on Bernard Bolzano's mathematics. From 2018 to 2020 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM. He is currently a member of the GA ÄŒR project "Mathematics in the Czech Lands: from the Jesuit Teaching to Bernard Bolzano", led by Davide Crippa, and starting in September 2020 he will carry out a postdoctoral stay at the Filosofický ústav AV ÄŒR.


Long CV here.




Jan Makovský studied philosophy, French philology and history of science, focusing especially on the 17th-century intellectual milieu of France. His PhD thesis concerned the origin of the calculus in the works of Leibniz, Bernoulli and L'Hospital and the development of its methods as a result of interpenetration between the philosophy of nature and the metaphysics of infinity. His present research is dedicated to the role of Leibniz's "law of continuity" in the 18th century rational mechanics and to the reception of infinitesimal mathematics in Czech 18th century science before Bolzano. He's also interested in the translation of Latin and French works of classical science.


Long CV here.





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